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Promotional materials (posters, T-shirts, CD covers)

Page history last edited by Judith 14 years, 9 months ago

Here's where you can be creative.


You need to sell your band's World Tour to the public.


Prepare promotional posters - pictures, dates, times, venues, ticket prices etc. To help you with this use bighugelabs (see and click on link below) or http://edu.glogster.com/


* View a sample of what is possible using glogster


Think about also preparing:

1. Tickets

2.T-shirts designs to sell these at your tour, or try here for a more basic design. * For detailed insturctions click here. NB: DO NOT press "add to cart" or enter any sign up details.

3.CD covers

4. Calenders


6.Magazine covers


8.Trading cards


(NB: You are not expected to do all of these - choose a total of 6) To help you with ideas and design layout click on the links or go to: http://bighugelabs.com/ You should be able to save or embed all of these items in your blog.


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